I based this blog (my very personal one - finally!) on the following sections:
- Articles. It happens to host... articles.
- Links. Not-so-long exerpts that I happened to consider brain food, with only few personal thoughts on the matter.
- Photos. These specific photos and image assets are plain ol' copyright - unless I indicate a different author.
- Utils. Downloadable goodies all around.
- /tecnoMazov. It displays a list detailing my setup (office & nomad), gear, software and configs as a developer.
As for its key features, here are some of them:
- Changelog rendering.
- Day'n'Nite theme switcher.
- EXIF metadata extraction.
- JSON feed.
- Global search.
- Tags & Related Posts.
This little creation that aims to provide me with the necessary tools to conciliate my many realities, also known as karamaBlog, is built as a statically exported site using Astro and TypeScript. Although the majority of components are either Astro components or native Web Components, there are some React ones loaded client-side, too. This combination offers the best of both worlds: the speed and efficiency of Astro for static site generation, the type safety and developer-friendly features of TypeScript, and the dynamic interactivity and reusable components provided by React. This synergy results in a performant, maintainable, and feature-rich web application, ensuring an optimal user experience that I know I will never achieve, but here we are, guys: still trying.
When it comes to the styles, they are based on a combination of basic global styles, component-specific ones, the incorporation of CSS modules, and other peculiarities I would have never achieved without Auregan Nedelec and her genuinely touching logos, illustrations and ideas.
Since karamaBlog serves as an extension of the brand used in my recent works (as it happens with this exact same portfolio), I wanted to maintain similar aesthetics, patterns, and a general vibe, ensuring a cohesive and familiar user experience. At the same time, I also wanted to reproduce a sense of evolution beyond technical details and features. However, since this site aims at providing personal access to what’s supposed to be a solitary path, it felt more accurate (and even honest) to represent it as a single individual wandering an immense landscape empty of everything, encountering impossible obstacles, and yet overcoming them not because of their ability but due to a deeper, almost dark power.